Zippyweb: Fun stuff for Corgi fans


The Chronicles of Zippy

Our favoritest thing in the world is here! Egg nog!

posted by Zippy 12/15/2009 12:11 PM ^^


We had a bunch of snow! We aren’t big fans of snow, and it turns out we aren’t the only ones. Our trees don’t like it either, and several of them protested in a very big way. Here is one:

Driveway hidden under fallen tree, crunched gate

That is a driveway. Somewhere. Under there. On the other side of that tree...yeah, there’s more just like it. This is why our folks keep Tree Guy on speed dial.

posted by Zippy 12/09/2009 1:58 PM ^^


Corgi merchandise from Zippyweb

Blog by a dog

Zippy at the computer

This is where Zippy the Corgi writes down his innermost thoughts. If you’ve never read the Journal before, you can start with the latest entries, start at the beginning, or browse the archives: