Zippyweb: Fun stuff for Corgi fans


The Chronicles of Zippy

Here is the next big thing for lazy people.

It is a fake dog that sleeps. That’s it. It sleeps. And it takes batteries because it looks like it’s breathing. What fun.

Man, I have been trying way too hard.

posted by Zippy 11/30/2004 10:14 AM ^^


Whatcha cookin’? Whatcha cookin’?

Zippy the corgi watches his folks cook

Whatcha cookin’? Whatcha cookin’? Whatcha cookin’? Whatcha cookin’? Huh? Whatcha cookin’? Whatcha cookin’?

posted by Zippy 11/25/2004 4:25 PM ^^


Today was the biggest social event of the year! The Corgi Faire!

One must meet-and-greet.

Corgis sniff each other

Corgi rumps come in many varieties. Here is an Innie.

A Corgi rump.

And an Outie.

A Corgi rump.

A nub.

A Corgi rump.

A knob.

A Corgi rump.

And a delightful tail.

A Cardigan Corgi rump.

Here are some pictures from the costume contest. A daisy field:

Corgi costume

Alice's White Rabbit:

Corgi costume

And all hail Napoleon:

Corgi costume

I did not win the cookie-eating contest, but there is no shame in being a runner-up.

posted by Zippy 11/14/2004 5:04 PM ^^


Today we went to the nearest big town to walk around and be tourist dogs.

We must just be adorable, because at least six different people told our folks how cute we are. I like it when they tell us that directly. Those people are rewarded with dog slobber on their pant legs.

One man appeared to be afraid of us. Of us! We thought it unwise to offer him pants slobber.

posted by Zippy 11/09/2004 11:41 AM ^^


Good morning!

I know it doesn’t look like it, but I am really quite comfortable.

Zippy the corgi flops on his back

posted by Zippy 11/06/2004 6:24 AM ^^


Corgi merchandise from Zippyweb

Blog by a dog

Zippy at the computer

This is where Zippy the Corgi writes down his innermost thoughts. If you’ve never read the Journal before, you can start with the latest entries, start at the beginning, or browse the archives: